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Apps in the weekly show Arena and the Phones OS Versions they can run on under

G+_Michael Kizer

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Apps in the weekly show Arena and the Phones/OS Versions they can run on/under.


What's the Community's (and the Hosts') thought on how Arena Apps (or any Apps mentioned on AAA) should be defined as far as to which version(s) of Android they can run under?


Apps that are only 4.x and above are indeed becoming more and more common, even if devices with that version are not (yet). This seems to leave the majority of current users out in the cold as far as being able to install and use them (even Google's own Calendar App is in this situaion) (as of 1/16/2013 only around 10% of the users have Jelly Bean and just under 50% are still on Gingerbread) http://developer.android.com/about/dashboards/index.html


With many US users 'stuck' with 2 years of phone dedication its hard to keep to having the latest and greatest


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I feel your pain, and I'm torn because I remember being really upset when they began featuring more and more apps that were running only on ICS and I was on GB, but now I have an S3 on 4.1 and I couldn't care less because I know most likely any app they feature will work for me. I think they hosts should be mindful and check the compatibility of the apps they feature with the platform version but should not go out of their way to not feature great apps becuase they may only be JB specific

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