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Ruby vs Python - After watching the intro to Ruby show (Ep

G+_Darryl Medley

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I'm a long-time Pythonista, and I've seen no compelling reason to switch. Arguably the syntax of Ruby is a bit easier for newbies. It handles lambdas a bit better. You can do the monkey-patching thing in Python, but it's much more complex and considered bad style. Ruby is a bit "purer" OO, since it has no direct access to data members. That's a plus of minus, depending on your point of view.


What really sells Python for me is the extensive and high quality standard libraries. Node.js probably has more libraries by sheer numbers, but no quality control. Most are mediocre at best. Python's libraries are old and battle-tested. I have no personal experience with Ruby's, but the language is newer and so its libraries are likely to be less well-tested.

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Rails is a framework, i found python has some frameworks as well that does some of the same. MVC.  In PHP land got ZF2  frameworks. i know with node.js push notifications is very popular. I believe rails can do the same thing. I know with ZF2 for PHP project installs works similar to the project  setup like rails does. I am sure python has the same as i see of the frameworks us  MVC. Really when working in a production environment with one project ot the next. Having MVC in the life cycle make everything better.there are other great options for development.

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