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I 've got a networking project I 'm working on and need to pick the brains of the KITAs

G+_Ben Reese

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I've got a networking project I'm working on and need to pick the brains of the KITAs. I'll try to break up the question a bit...

Problem: At church, I want to broadcast audio and video locally while also broadcasting to YouTube. I'm limited to DSL for local service, so tether to my phone for more bandwidth so I can stream to YouTube. I can't let everyone use the bandwidth from my phone, but I need to be connected to the same network as the rest of the building so I can do local broadcast.


My Goal: I think I want to connect a DD-WRT router to my phone, the church network, and the computer. Then somehow get it to send my YouTube stream over the tethered phone while also sending video to the rest of the network. I'd rather not spend money on other hardware if possible - though I may end up needing to getting a Raspberry Pi to act as a RTMP/RTSP relay for the local network. I've got a Buffalo router with DD-WRT as the main router at church and have a WRT-54G that I can use as a secondary router to make all the magic happen.


Request: Any ideas of what I should do? I understand the concepts behind dual-WAN (or dual gateway?) and static routing - I'm just not real sure how to make it all work for what I want.


Also, feel free to just tell me I'm crazy and it ain't gonna happen. I may not accept that answer, but it's something.

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Not sure how to do it bit a different perspective may be the cast being sent out to the church, then something receiving the cast and sending it to YouTube. You can always get that alternate device to connect to your phone for the cast.


I would get the church wide cast working while I figure out how to do it. If it comes down to buying equipment, I remember Fr. Robert Ballecer, SJ? showing off a Kickstarter that broadcast to YouTube

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Thanks for the responses. I guess I could have explained what the current setup is... We have a laptop running vMix that uses FMLE (Flash Media Live Encoder) or FFMPEG to mix sources and stream to YouTube. It works well and lets me control a lot of settings like resolution and bitrate (currently 480p and ~850 kbps).



Dan Hockey? - I can use the router as a repeater and may end up doing that - or more likely a client bridge maybe.


Jason Perry? I might be able to broadcast to a Raspberry Pi or something then let it handle streaming to YouTube and broadcasting locally. I'm hoping to not break what currently works though.


Richard Craver? that's kinda what the initial solution will be. I'll send the video to YouTube then use the DSL to download the stream to the TVs we setup in the nursery and kitchen. The only thing I don't like about that is that it introduces a 30 second delay and is still only 854x480. Those aren't terrible constraints but if I can squeeze just a little better experience out of it than I will ?


There is cable Internet service available in the area (and new Gigabit fiber if I can convince the church to pay for the trenching from 2 blocks away), but I'm really not sure when we'll be able to upgrade.

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