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Well I know I am not the only one interested in electronics here

G+_Jason Perry

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Well I know I am not the only one interested in electronics here.

I agreed to put together some links for someone who has been a programmer for the last 5 to 10 years.

He is interested in getting a job for a company that is looking to bring IoT to their manufacturing process.


Here is a list of links I have for him, and you. If you have anything to add I am interested in hearing from you. (sorry it is nothing but a blob at this point)


Here are a list of things off the top of my head that might help you out


Here are some channels I follow

SuperhouseTV (https://www.youtube.com/user/SuperHouseTV)

EEVlog (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2DjFE7Xf11URZqWBigcVOQ)

Diy Arduino (


Hacker’s Bench (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvjkVkiAqP4zIx5xjV7B_tA)


These channels have some good intro to electronics videos

The Ben Heck Show (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChturLXwYxwTOf_5krs0qvA)

GreatScott! (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6mIxFTvXkWQVEHPsEdflzQ)


Security Now - 3 dumb routers (


Hak5 (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3s0BtrBJpwNDaflRSoiieQ)

DEFCONConference (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6Om9kAkl32dWlDSNlDS9Iw)


Tinker Nut (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZDA1kA3y3EIg25BpcHSpwQ)

MQTT (http://mqtt.org/)

Mosquito (http://mosquitto.org/)

HiveMQ (http://www.hivemq.com/)

Hack a day (hackaday.io)

Element 14 (http://canada.newark.com/)

Sayal (http://www.sayal.com/zinc/index.asp)

Data sheets (http://www.atmel.com/images/doc2545.pdf)

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They offer the programing lag/IDE  AB is like $1500 for a single family.  Then AB offers other dev packages for doing P{C front ends (very picey)  DA is about $500 for all families. 

I'd stick with the vendor's options outside of RS-484/232/ModBus, etc.  THye have it nailed down.  Rolling your own would be akin to rolling your own encryption.


As for websites, AB has WAY TOO many products and its a nightmare to navigate. IMOHO.  DA's is actually easy.  They even offer a free programing IDE for like a 100 word program.  Lets you get your feet wet for free.  And I thing the 'click' version is a full version for free. (but I think it lacks A/D D/A modules)


PLCs are one of my main bags.


There are also 'programable relays' like micro PLCs.  Can get for $100 or so and free software.  Usually support modbus.

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