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Anyone get their iGuardian (Shield) yet? Still waiting for mine

G+_Jeff Gros

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There's a sucker born every minute or is that every second, I forget.  Anyway all the ridiculous claims they make for the iGuardian sounds like the ridiculous claims they make for the Elio car!  For several years the "inventors" of the Elio car have been claiming they are going to produce a car that gets 84 MPG and only costs $6800 and there are hundreds of videos on Youtube telling how great it is and that everyone should send in their deposits for one right away but so far they haven't produced a single car!  Somehow even professional news reporters haven't noticed that nobody can produce a car that gets twice the mileage of other similar cars but only costs 1/3 as much, at least not in this universe!  Over the years the company has moved around to several states, mostly the ones with lenient laws on fraud, they seem to have started out in Arizona, then moved to Fla. then to Mississippi. On their website they showed a dealership in Phoenix so I called them up to see if I could get a test drive but they said they didn't have any cars.  When I checked the address it was just a small strip mall with a few small offices but no car dealers.

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Thanks for the update Eddie. Let me know when you get yours and I'll post similarly when mine arrives. Cannot wait to play with it.


A suspiciously well timed update from ITUS networks. I wouldn't be surprised if they are monitoring forums for any show they were featured on.


It was good to see an update, even if it wasn't the best of news. I can certainly understand Daniel's position. Sometimes things aren't entirely under our control. In his case, it seems like he cannot do a lot about it outside of a court room (and court is typically not advantageous to either party).


It is a curious position to take from the CM though. I can understand that if they really made a mistake in the quote, then they would need to give a more realistic number (they have their own employees to pay after all). However, as they are working on a kickstarter project, this is essentially an advertising opportunity. If they fail to deliver or break terms, it makes them look bad, even if they've got Daniel over a barrel because he has to deliver. Certainly not a move I would make. If the CM is big enough, it might make more sense to swallow the difference than risk bad PR. $30K is peanuts when it comes to engineering time.

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Wait till you read their privacy statements.  They claim their position is the same as other software products.  Problem is, a privacy device is not just another software product.

Since they got my email address, I have been receiving a lot more 'offers' from partners than I would tolerate from anyone.

I understand the need to monitize but this product has gone over the top in the wront direction, IMO.

I'm glad I cancelled their offer at the last second and am really disappointed as I was really hoping this was what it should have been.

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Ric Woods 


1. The Shield isn't a "privacy device" -- it's a network security appliance. -- You CAN use it as a privacy device by loading a VPN client (since it's just a Linux with a great packet engine) but it's primarily designed to do tasteful packet inspection IPS/IDS and data exfil prevention.


2. I used a fresh email for this kickstarter and I have gotten only updates on the project. (It's something I do, just to make sure I'm not getting spammed.)


3. What "privacy statement" are you referring to? (seriously... would like to read it)


I understand your frustration leading to the cancellation of your order. I'll keep working with my unit to show off its strengths and weaknesses.


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It's a single link inside of the EULA...


Makes a nice compliment to the EULA itself.  It is at:


Both are worth a thorough read.

I consider a security device as one that provides privacy of my network from unwanted packets.  Therefore to me, they are related.

I have no issues with the product or concept as I have not yet seen one to test.  I will leave that part to you.  I just couldn't get past these documents, money in hand at the last stage of ordering.

To me, the terms eliminated much of the purpose of having a device of this type.  The disappointment comes from seeing something with many exciting prospects apparently fallen to the hands of those types I would normally avoid.  Oh well, back to my Pi FW projects.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Got my shipping notification on the 4th (Amazon fulfillment), saying that it would arrive by today...and it did!


Packaging looks nice. Upon opening the box, it states: "in this box: Shield, Power adapter, Quick start guide, network cables".


I found the device, a power adapter (and various adapters for different countries), and two short network cables.


The quick start guide was not included but is online perhaps?


I'm not worried. I'll figure it out.


I guess I know what I'm doing this weekend! :)

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Setup went relatively smoothly. I put it in router mode, connected lan on port 2, applied power and applied wan on port 0 (per the quickstart instructions on the website).


The instructions say that you should hook an access point or switch to port 2 to allow more than one device on the lan side. I did find a post on their forums which said that port 1 could be used as a second port, but there was an order of operations issue at power up. Port 1 is mainly used for Bridge mode.


I've now got a Y in the network, with the shield as the central node. Wired and wireless traffic are isolated.


A few problems that I've run into:


1. Cannot easily change the lan address. Well, you can, but you won't be able to log in without  using the FULL ADDRESS (https://x.x.x.x./cgi-bin/luci). If you type x.x.x.x, the redirect will still try to go to If you figure you would never remember the full address, then it should probably be left as is.


2. My email isn't getting through the IPS. I'm going to have to figure out how to allow it when I have more time.

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