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So how may jets have you taken down?

My point is that bird strikes happen near every day and don't take down a plane, and you sure don't hear about bird strikes in the news(too boring). The news community will get bored of these reports too. They will be on the same level as Elvis sightings or UFOs.


Till a tiny home built 'drone' takes down a whale sized jet, I will be annoyed by these nothing stories, fluff pieces that belong in supermarket tabloids, lining the bottoms of bird cages.

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Jonny Ramos everyday that story is replayed and the whole world missed it?


Has a single 'drone' killed anybody or taken down any plane? People have been flying model aircraft for how many decades now... and how many planes have fallen due to them?


How much media horse apples have you eaten that makes you so afraid?


That bird that caused that incident was a large bird!


Did you know the our government paid someone to fire frozen birds into plane windscreens to test durability? What's next firing VCR' s and laptops? Cellphones?


Are we that crazy to believe all 'the sky is falling' news that comes our way?

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Jonny Ramos

 The Hudson wasn't 'A' bird strike but a flock. That took out both engines.  During take off, not landing. The planes and engines are tested against such things. Somehow I don't see a drone taking down a plane.  I also don't believe the stories.  Its pretty hard to see a little drone.

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Jonny Ramos??

I get the difference between bird flesh and drone materials, but I don't agree with your statement about LiPo batteries "exploding". The worst I've ever seen from one was a strong "pop". Maybe the force of a midair impact at 100+ mph would cause something more dramatic, but I doubt it would cause more damage than the impact itself.


Another question: How many drones can even get to 5000 feet (I'm sure none of mine are capable), let alone have battery left to spend time at that altitude??

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Ben Reese

Well, IF this was a drone, the operator was obviously breaking many FAA rules (which have the effect of law).

My question is, how likely is it that this WAS a drone?  The altitude alone would rule out the vast majority of commercially available multirotors.  A fixed-wing model might have more of a chance to get to that altitude.

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So it seems that some believe we should have drones flying around airports at all times until it is proven they can damage an aircraft. Sort of a "hold the child's hand over the flame until they learn it is hot," philosophy.


BTW we have years of model aircraft flying safely because the AMA (not the doctors) creates model aircraft fields away from airports in accordance with FAA regulations.


Oh, and all of my quads fly above 5,000 feet, because they start at 5,280 here in Denver ?

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Well, it wasn't my point that exploding LiPo's was overhyped, but I agree with the assessment. And I have no doubt that a drone can easily get above 5000 ft - just think it's very seldom and not likely to be done by someone flying by line of sight (unless you're Leo Laporte and lose control of your Syma.)

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Ya know, whether or not a drone could take out a plane is not really the thing here. A.It's not worth the risk to find out. B.it's in violation of FAA regulations and we don't want to give them more reasons to clamp down on our hobby and C. and, in my mind the most important thing, is that in the media there is a frenzy to report the whole drone thing in a negative light. We already get a bad rap, like we're children of the devil flying devil machines and what matters is the public perception. Incidents like this just fuel the fire. We should all be focused on dispelling these myths, flying responsibly and showing people that drone flyers are sensible, smart people who are involved with an exciting and fascinating field that, beyond the simple pleasures of flying a drone, can have beneficial effects too, such as disaster zone search and rescue, aerial mapping - gosh the list goes on. These incidents do us harm, whether or not they truly present a physical danger, and we should all do what we can to alter the current public and media perception of the drone community.

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