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Any chance of doing a module of SQL by any chance?

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I think Lee Crocker answered this best the other time you asked... There's just too much to be covered for what this show is trying to do. I'm sure we could all help you with any questions you have though. Personally, I would recommend learning a bit about SQLite first, just to get a grasp on an 'easier' DB system to use, but that's just how I learned. If you go that route, Firefox actually has a nice add-on available to create and manage SQLite databases. I used it while developing my last Android App and it really sped up my development. https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/sqlite-manager/


If you really want to get into SQL first and you plan on using it for anything web based, I would recommend installing XAMPP on your PC/Mac and playing around with SQL inside MyPHPAdmin. You can execute SQL statements there and see what they do. https://www.apachefriends.org/index.html

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