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Guys, I need some advise on how to have an SSL certificate that works on my Synology NAS

G+_Joel Pomales

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Guys, I need some advise on how to have an SSL certificate that works on my Synology NAS. I'm at a loss as to how to make this work. I've enabled https, changed the ports, and I can get to it through Quickconnect just fine. But I get certificate errors. I want to solve this. What's the best way to do it?

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I had the same , and I was puzzled initially. But after don't thinking it dawned on me ... The domain name is actually tied to your external IP address, if you connect to it from inside your lan you get the cert of the router.

To solve it, you can map the FQDN (...synology.me) to the internal IP address of the NAS. I did it in my router, (edgeroter X) so it is known to ask interval clients. But you can also add it to the hosts file in your machine.


Hope that helps

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Hi Joel Pomales

I used the following directions to setup Let's Encrypt SSL certificates.

pahoehoe.net - Synology - Setup Let's Encrypt SSL Certificates

Hope this helps you.


I also was playing with QuickConnect. You don't need to setup a new certificate to use QuickConnect. One note, I disable UPnP on my router. As I understand QuickConnect it then uses the Synology relay server. And when I did a tcpdump I saw traffic from usr4.synology.com on 443/UDP (that is UDP not TCP). My connection was encrypted and I did not need a certificate. I disabled my cert when I tried this and switched back to the default synology cert. My connection was encrypted and it didn't complain. For more information on Quickconnect check out this PDF.


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