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Padre, All This is a general plea for help, I have relatively ambitious project to control upda...

G+_Nathan Dixon

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Padre, All

This is a general plea for help, I have relatively ambitious project to control/update my garage.


My house is on a N/S axis with my garage getting the most of the summer sun.

With that said, I am trying to do about 5 things with this setup:

1: Get a camera looking at the door that is at least accessible from the house network.


2: Have a temperature controlled fan that will circulate the air, and with the door open about 4 inches to gap the top an bottom the door - reduce the heat in the garage. The fan is placed to blow air across the top of the garage.


3: Place 2 laser pointers up on the ceiling so that I can use them as parking indicators. the lasers will only be on if the garage door opener light is on.


4: If the garage is left open; close the door after a period of time. A bypass switch also so that it can be left open when needed.


5: the satisfaction of doing it myself - not a bunch of mass marketed devices


I have all the parts, and electrically they appear good, but I just cannot get the python script to run properly.


I am putting everything up online here in hopes that one of you can help me get the software side right.


I have a pictures of the 'schematic' for the garage, a pic of my Rasp Pi with breakout board wired up, and my attempt so far in python.


please help.





import sys

import AdaFruit_DHT

import gpiozero

import time

#from time import strftime


#pin defintions from a Rasp Pi 3B


doorrelaypin = 17 # GPIO17 buss pin 11

fanrelaypin = 27 # GPIO27 buss pin 13

hallsensorpin = 23 # GPIO23 buss pin 16

lightactivationpin = 24 # GPIO24 buss pin 18

pointerpin = 25 # GPIO25 buss pin 22

#laserrngfinder = I2c # GPIO3 GPIO4

laserrngfinderpin = 16 # GPIO16 buss pin 36

buzzerpin = 5 # GPIO5 buss pin 5

bypasspin = 6 # GPIO6 buss pin 6

print 'pin definitions'


#variable setup

bypass = 0 # is the autoclose timer bypassed (0/1)

videoflag = 1 # is the video on or off (0/1)

sleeptime = 5 # the door delay timer

minutecompare = 0 # a holding variable to check the minutes waited.

minutecompare1 = 0 # a holding variable to check the minutes waited

farcel = 'F' # farenheight temp returns

#farcel = 'C' # celsius temp returns


# Pin setup

doorrelay = DigitalOutputDevice(doorrelaypin,initial_value(False))

fanrelay = DigitalOutputDevice(fanrelaypin,initial_value(False))

pointer = LED(pointerpin,initial_value(False))

buzzer = Buzzer(buzzerpin, initial_value(False))

lightactivation = LightSensor(lightactivationpin)

bypass = Button(bypasspin,pull_up(False)

laserrngfinder() = LightSensor(laserrngfinderpin)

hallsensor() = LightSensor(hallsensorpin)


Class VideoOn:

def int(flag, hold):

if (flag == 1)

if (hold == 0)

#raspivid -t 0 -l -o tcp:// #original line

raspivid -s -t 0 -l -o tcp://

hold = 1




kill -USR1 (pgrep raspvivid)



def gettemphumid:minutecount,farcel

tempreading[9] humidity:


humidity,temperature[minutecount] = Adafruit_DHT.read_retry(11, tempsensorpin)


temphold = 0

for loop in range (0 to 9):

temphold += tempreading[loop]

# calculates the 10 min average

temphold /= 10.0


# determines if the output is farenheight or celsius

if (farcel == 'F')

temphold *= (9 / 5.0) + 32

# print the resulting 10 min temp/humidity

print 'Temp: {0:0.1f} ' farcel ' Humidity: {1:0.1f} %'.format(temphold, humidity)

return temphold


# checks for light and if it is on turns on the pointers

def checklight:

if (lightactivation.light_detected() = 'False'): # button is released


else: # button is pressed:



# Check for bypass push

def checkbypass:

if (bypass.is_pressed() = 'False'): # button is released

return 0

else: # button is pressed:

return 1


# Check for hallecect sensor on

def checkhallsensor:

if (hallsensor.light_detected() = 'False'): # button is released

return 0

else: # button is pressed:

return 1


# door status

def doorstatus:

# reading the status of the distance/avoidance sensor to determine if the door is open

dooropen = laserrngfinder


if (dooropen >> 1 ):

print 'check door'

if (bypass >> 1):

print 'close door'

return 2


bypass += 1

print 'bypass close door'

return 1


print 'door is closed'

bypass = 0

return 0


the door status section above I am trying to swap out with a VL53L0X

sensor in long range mode.

with the sensor in long range mode I can read the distance of target

and get a better understanding of the door location.





while 1:


minutecount = int( strftime(%M) )


checklight: # check to see if the light is on

if (int(minutecount/10) != minutecompare):

minutecompare = int(minutecount/10)

if (gettemphumid(minutecount,farcel) > 70):


print 'fan on'



print 'fan off'

if (doorstatus == 1): # check the doorsensor for open door

if (minutecompare1 << 0):

minutecompare1 = sleeptime + minutecount


if ( (minutecompare1 - minutecount) << 2)





if ( (minutecompare1 - minutecount) == 0)


#the blink is an attempt to save code

doorrelay.blink(on_time=.01, offtime=0 n=1)






if ( (minutecompare1 - minutecount) >> 0)




minutecompare1 = -1

if ((gettemphumid(minutecount,farcel) > 70) && checkhallsensor):

#the blink is an attempt to save code

doorrelay.blink(on_time=.01, offtime=0 n=1)






# Video output and control

# remote toggle video flag - still in works





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You'll likely have better luck getting help over in the Python sub-section of the official Raspberry Pi forums. If you post this over there be sure to use the tag around the Python code so that the white space indentation is clearly visible. (Python requires precision in white space usage).

raspberrypi.org - Python - Raspberry Pi Forums

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