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Is this what it means to be a programmer these days

G+_abby Sand

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Is this what it means to be a programmer these days. In episode 42 a very interesting question was asked by padre. Are they any true programmer left?



At 25:43 of episode 42.


I do kind of agree with what Padrej said about their being no more true programmers although he did actually say that he does not beliveve it. Let me explain my reasoning is one thing using the built in modules of your programming language it is another to plaguriese it from another online.


I am new to python and python has lot of pre built modules which you can import and use which is okay. But from what I hear a lot of programmers proffesional or otherwise when they are faced with a problem  they cannot solve they first instinct is to go to google or stack overflow and find a program that someone has already written in their language and from they change a few lines here and they to make it compatible with the modules they are writing. I am told is best to find one that is written in the language you are using this way you do not have to translate it into your language. I saw a document by a developer that stated that whenever he given a project to do the first thing he would do is search online to see if someone has already solved the problem and then copy and paste it.



Is that what it means to be a programmer these days if that is the case then programming is about going online and plagurising another work. I mean you would not plagurise a novel and call it your own.


Back in the day people use to write they own codes true nowadays code run into the millions and written by teams of people. But if you were to look at the code written I bet you 3/4 were taken online and replaced with a line or two here or there.


I thought programming was about solving problems I did not know it was about stealing other people working and claiming it as your own. And then using a fancier term to describe it. I think they calling it not re-inveniting the wheel because the method has not failed in the past.


So my question is when software companies are hiring programmers why bother with all the tough questions when most of the work they would do would be plagurising.



Am I wrong?


2: This goes out to anyone who programs do you write your own code or do you cut and paste code.

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If code is publicly available, by doing that it's assumed they've also given away any copy write or other protections on it.  Also, most example code you'll find isn't going to do exactly what you want.  Don't even get me started on how much the modern languages actually do for you!  Play a wav file, it's 1 line now!  Do you know what we had to do in order for that little buzzer to make noises at us in the 90s?  Here's a hint Tandy was the only "good" audio around.

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