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A few months back I needed to replace an antiquated video recording system at

G+_G Atkinson

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A few months back I needed to replace an antiquated video recording system at

work and looked at several approaches. Most security cameras at our company use Exacqvision which works, but it's expensive and tech support is not very cooperative.


So, inspired by Padre, I bought (well, the company did) a Synology RS818RP+ with 16GBs, 40TBs and licenses for 34 cameras (docs say it will do 40). Unbelievably easy to set up and use and everyone is very happy with the choice. The only downside I've seen is motion recording is problematic. I suspect this is not a failing of the NAS but rather the large fields of view we have the cameras set up to watch (it's a huge distribution facility). So I have everything set to continuous. Why not, since I have plenty of storage.


And me, I was so impressed I just ordered a DS418+ for home. Should be here for a weekend setup session.


Thanks Padre, for all your teachings and good luck in your future endeavors. You will be missed!

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Glad it worked out!


I had a similar experience... Old camera system that was impossible to service properly, but they didn't want to replace it because they knew how to use it.


So I bought all the gear and set it up alongside the old system... Told them I'd use it for another office if they didn't want it. Within a week they we're tearing out the old system.



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Marcus Hall

It is a LOT of video but it's not constantly monitored and very little of it gets reviewed. That said, using the timeline review feature in the Synology works well but it gets a little choppy when you use the FF/REW at higher levels. This could be due to the performance of the Synology or due to the bottleneck of the network (we have these cams on a separate vlan but use a single 1Gb interface to a large Cisco switched network). During normal recording the Synology is sitting at about 25% CPU and 7% RAM used. The network usage graph skyrockets when I try to do fast video review under Surveillance Station.


But the timeline feature does have a nice vertical bar (timeline) that is color coded to show you when there is video recorded on all cameras and the camera you have selected. You can just click on that where you want to review and skip around to see different times to home in on what you're looking for. Also, the video (on mine at least) is recorded in 30 minute blocks in standard MP4 format. These are stored in AM & PM subdirectories under each camera so, with the proper login credentials, you can just open the directory tree on the NAS with something like Windows Explorer and use your favorite tool to review the video files.


Luckily, we don't have to review long stretches of video. Most times we have a reasonable window of 2-4 hours that we're given to look for something or I will be looking at something specific in the function of, say, a conveyor divert. Occasionally someone will ask us to review something that happened "over the weekend" or "sometime late last week" but those are rare. Those take a little more time but are easily doable.

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