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Pro video question

G+_Ben Reese

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Pro video question...

I've been given a budget to upgrade our streaming/presentation computer at church. I'm planning on instslling a SDI capture card and using HDMI->SDI adapters to connect the camera we have and maybe future cameras. Does that seem feasible?


I'm looking at the Blackmagic "Design DeckLink Duo 2" https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01EKGTZ8C/ for future expansion and I've read it has very low latency. (yup, bringing Blackmagic into the church. Don't tell Pastor!)


Because this card can give 4 inputs or outputs, I'm also considering using one of the outputs to drive TVs or projectors. Does anyone know if this shows up as a display output on Windows?


Thanks for the advice!

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Wow! That's actually pretty nice. Very much like the Skreens box that Fr. Robert Ballecer, SJ showed off.


I think I'd have a few of questions...

Can you specify your own RTMP server, or only chose from supported streaming providers (YouTube, twitch, etc)

Where does the audio come from? Can I patch in audio from our mixer?

The Amazon listing says you can stream 720p and record 1080p, but can both happen at the same time?


Thanks for the suggestion! I could get by with using our current laptop and put video from that into the stream box if needed.

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