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Hi Megan and Florence

G+_Thomas Kregel

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Hi Megan and Florence,

I was just catching up on Know How.

I also love the scent of essential oils however... I wanted to drop a word of warning regarding Essential Oil exposure for certain categories of loved ones.


A couple months ago I was listening to Wisconsin Public Radio (Larry Meiller Show) and he was doing his monthly call-in with Sandy Sawchuck, a professor from the UW School of Veterinary Medicine. She mentioned at least 8 commonly used essential oils that are causing kidney failure or death in cats. She said it can be via breathing but more likely the chemicals diffusing onto fur that is then licked and injected, during self-grooming. I did not find the specific episode, here is a general link: https://www.wpr.org/series/pet-care?combine=&page=1


I tried to find another validating link for you, here is one: https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/essential-oil-and-liquid-potpourri-poisoning-in-cats

I also found a whole lot of new-age-y articles claiming it is OK and even to cure cat problems using essential oils. However, cats just don't have the enzymes to metabolize these.


One other caution with essential oils and specifically, lavender. Lavender and tea tree are endocrine disrupters and can disrupt development of boys, actually leading to breast development. Here are articles on that:


National Institute of Health: https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/lavender-tea-tree-oils-may-cause-breast-growth-boys




So, when encouraging these products, it would be helpful to also provide some cautionary notes.


Love your show and all the fun you provide!



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