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This seems to be the trend I 'm seeing

G+_Mark Williamson

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Originally shared by Mark Williamson


This seems to be the trend I'm seeing.  A growing amount of people who have been using smartphones for awhile are looking for the additional customization and flexibility allowed by the Android OS.  I am asked for smartphone recommendations all the time, for those who want a consistent and "user proof" experience the iPhone and iOS is my usual recommendation.  For those that want some additional "room to maneuver" with their technology, Android OS is what I usually recommend to them.  I am also starting to think that although some critique Android for being a fragmented ecosystem, I'm growing to like the phone options it provides.  The downside is that it could possibly take decades for Android OS updates to get approved by AT&T or Verizon or whomever you are stuck with....unless you are one of the dozen people who actually were able to get a Nexus 4. 


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