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Fr Robert Ballecer, SJ? always hypes about the huge active group here, with now 1860 members

G+_Joe C. Hecht

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Fr. Robert Ballecer, SJ? always hypes about the huge active group here, with now 1860 members.


18 posts in two months?


I place my faith in the numbers, as they speak the real truth. The new member count has flat lined, and the trend of users leaving as fast as they arrive remains unchanged.


The new format ain't working Padre.

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Of course there's an intended audience. TWiT's shows are all about special interests, centered around tech. Programming on the network would be quite different if Leo and friends treated us as eyeballs with wallets.


How deep can you get with 2 episodes on PHP? The name and the format seem consistent to me even if it's being tuned.

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