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Looking for a good way to use Perl (or any other language I guess) to recursively archive some fi...

G+_Dan Sarauer (N3m1sys)

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Looking for a good way to use Perl (or any other language I guess) to recursively archive some files/folders based on date modified while keeping the folder structure in-tact.  I've looked at File::Copy::Recursive in CPAN and it looks promising, but I haven't wrapped my head around getting it to check the files date modified before just copying the whole lot. Ideas code monkeys?

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Two ways to tackle this problem come to my mind:


1. Just use rsync.


2. Use File::Find. Here's a snippet of what that might look like:




use warnings;

use File::Find;


my @dirs_to_search= qw{/usr/local/bin /usr/share /etc /var/www};


use constant TIME_THRESHHOLD => 7;




sub wanted {

(($dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid) = lstat($)) && int(-M _) > TIME_THRESHHOLD && archive_this($);



sub archive_this {

# Archiving logic goes here


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