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I can 't say I like president #45

G+_Mark Swaim

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I can't say I like president #45. I may never understand his motivations.Every time I think I get it,he goes and does a summer salt 180 flip.


Trump says US will help penalized Chinese ZTE company


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That article and many Americans forget, we are not a democracy...


The pledge of allegiance ---


I pledge Allegiance to the flag

of the United States of America

and to the Republic for which it stands,

one nation under God, indivisible,

with Liberty and Justice for all.

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Many people believe that the pledge is no longer done in schools for the line

'one nation under god''

(trying not to 'offend' people that have no god) which is not the case. Their intent is to lie to you, and make you believe we are a democracy.

The lies add up.

Don't believe them.

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