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My laptop died today its job was recording video from my security cameras (4)

G+_Rud Dog

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My laptop died today its job was recording video from my security cameras (4).

Looking for suggestions on replacement and it does not have to be a laptop. One item of interest has been these small boxes not sure if they have enough horsepower but hopefully, this post can help me figure it out.



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Kyle Trail ?? Did you buy a complete system for 150.00 bucks if so please link? The laptop that died was a 10-year-old gaming computer and it had all the video and processor speed a gamer could want. But that thing was 2000.00 10 years ago. Been looking at the NUC series they are small but so many configurations it makes my eye glaze over.

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I bought one from Yugster.com. I think they're just called untilgone.com - UntilGone.com now. I got a refurbished Dell Desktop with a Core i7, 500GB HD, 8 GB RAM (bought an additional 8GB for next to nothing. It had a ATI Radeon HD video card in it. It does the job and quite well. Mostly we're watching HD stuff, but I have some 4K stuff on there and it streams just fine.


I'd go to their website and sign up for their newsletter emails. I haven't seen any desktops in a while and I don't see any at the moment, but still.

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If the primary role is going to be an NVR, you don't need much horsepower at all. My home server is using a Core i3-3240 and 8GB of RAM, and it started out with just a single 1TB HDD. I've upgraded storage about every three years, and it's recently received a pair of 6TB WD Blue. It handles Plex, backup, and NAS roles, though it used to also run WSUS and PRTG when I had a slow and unreliable internet connection. It handled everything like a champ and it's going on 7 years old. I built it for less than $600 in 2012.


I haven't checked the running wattage, but I imagine it's probably less than 150 watts. Where I live a watt will cost you about a dollar over a year. One thing I like is it's just a windows (homeserver 2011) box, so it's pretty easy to install just about anything you need for adding new functions. It's not dead-silent, but I don't notice it outside of my office.


I don't stay up on the current crop of NAS devices, but I know some are quite compelling, with simple, useful app ecosystems. They certainly have the capability to draw less power than my old Core i3 box, and the simplicity of adding new roles is awesome, but when something goes wrong you could be stuck without your data until you can get factory service. With that said, if the price of a new NAS with the features and capability you require is competitive with a new or refurb PC, then I wouldn't hesitate to go NAS.


Looking at refurb PCs on Amazon, they're so cheap I don't think I could go NAS right now.

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Jason Marsh appreciate the detailed info. As it stands right now the NAS I have does not support my cameras or at least without some hoop jumping and even sure that will work. The NAS as my video bucket is not looking good.



It looks like that model of IP camera is not on the compatibility list, unfortunately: https://www.synology.com/en-us/compatibility/camera?brand=UBIQUITI


As a possible alternative, you can try adding them as a generic ONVIF camera instead. See here: https://www.synology.com/en-us/knowledgebase/Surveillance/tutorial/Camera/How_to_make_an_attempt_to_install_an_unsupported_IP_camera_in_Surveillance_Station


If that doesn't work, then unfortunately you would need to replace these cameras with cameras that are on the compatibility list.


Best regards,


Thomas H. | Product Management Synology America Corp.

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George Fromtulsa As a test tried to setup Surveillance software on the Synology NAS but the cameras from Ubiquiti (G3) would not connect. The only cameras shown on the drop-down listing was the AirCam type. This would have been a great band-aid until I could find a box to replace my now broken laptop.

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I have zero hands-on time with Synology NAS or Synology Surveillance Station (SSS), but I found these two articles with a quick search...








and from UBNT...




Perhaps one of these might reveal something that makes it possible for you to use SSS.

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