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Could the hosts please be more aware of trigger words before they say them?

G+_Russell Grokett

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Tory Harmony I'm not talking about an occasional slip. Have you listened to this week's episode? A whole segment saying the word ALEXA repeatedly. After it was taken out, the whole segment was garbled and unintelligible. And this wasn't the first occurrence. I can deal with isolated mistakes, I'm not that intolerant, but if you're planning a WHOLE SEGMENT, perhaps flagging wake words should be part of the process.

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As more and more devices get voice enabled, this will become more of an issue. And if they allow you to change the word, it'll only get worse. The solution really lies with those watching the show, at this point, to turn off the microphone on the device. Remember, Alexa was a name long before Amazon decided to use it as a wake word. Google was a word long before the company was founded, but at least they used a phrase (you can't just say Google). Siri is probably the best so far as it's not a word or name that is all that common in the English speaking world but the issue is that the service is the same as the wake word.


The only way to correct it would be to allow everyone to set their own phrase, and require the phrase to be a minimum of 2 words. But they've already claimed that having different phrases isn't an option.


And that's where the ultimate responsibility lies, with those that manufacture these devices. We can't rely on a host or guest on shows to remember all of the phrases that might trigger a device, it's unreasonable to expect that in my opinion.

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Custom wake words can't be dealt with an I don't expect them to. But the hosts are doing preparations for the show. They aren't improvising. There are show notes and plans. They are putting effort in before hand and this is one of the elements they now have to plan for, because compensating for it after the fact is ruining the show after they worked so hard on it.

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We really do try to avoid those trigger words. Sorry, sometimes its not that easy. Depends on the HW. The Google Home/Assistant is pretty easy to avoid. The name of the product is different from the trigger word so we just say OK G. Alexa is a different story. "Amazon's voice assistant" doesn't just roll off the tongue, try as we might.

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