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Hey AAA crew

G+_Fox Freejack

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Hey AAA crew,

Just an idea. How about doing a security themed AAA maybe pre-taped for the holidays (I know it's way late for that) or a slow news week? I was thinking that a conversation about the security risks of using devices that are not updated or poorly updated would be helpful to a lot of people. Just an honest chat about what could happen and the likeliness of running into problems would be awesome. I'm posting this to the Google + page because I think it would make for an interesting discussion :-)

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Excellent suggtion, I'm familiar with the show. Sadly, it ends up being a little over my head ?. Steve is great though. I was suggesting a more focused conversation.


For example, I see ALOT of good phones that are very inexpensive, but have a poor update records. I can't get past my own security concerns around issues like Stagefrieght or KRACK (just mentioning those as examples). So I wonder if my concern is more drivin by anxiety or smart hesitation? What are your thoughts community!

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