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If you enjoy learning about data and algorithms as much as I do (it 's a sickness

G+_Nate Follmer

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If you enjoy learning about data and algorithms as much as I do (it's a sickness... I'm sorry) - Check this book out. It was one of the first books I ever purchased on the subject and I still have a gander in it from time to time. Yes, it's pretty heavy on game related algorithms, but it's still a good resource to learn from and you can use the topics covered really for any type of dataset. Haven't been able to find it in eBook form yet...


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I thought the sorting show was a good idea, if for no other reason than to introduce the concept of "algorithm", and showing that there are different ways of doing the same thing, and some ways are better than others in some circumstances. Even showing bubblesort (which is never the right choice) is fine is an example. It's also good to point out that it's often good to write your own custom-suited to certain kinds of data and applications.


Need to do a similar thing with data structures like trees and hashtables.

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