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A little more news for what Lee Crocker? mentioned earlier

G+_Nate Follmer

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A little more news for what Lee Crocker? mentioned earlier. Pretty cool to see Microsoft stepping into Android Development.


Originally shared by Achwaq Khalid


Visual Studio 2015? Preview is here with focus on cross-platform development and a new high performance ?#?Android? emulator?


"Android support will go a step further than a compiler toolchain. As anyone who's used the Google Android SDK will know, the emulator it includes is desperately slow and totally unenjoyable to use. Microsoft developers building software for Android have noticed this, so the company developed its own high-performance Android emulator. That emulator is included with Visual Studio 2015. The emulator should (eventually) work standalone, too, so developers using Eclipse (the default Android development environment) will also be able to use the Microsoft Android emulator."


More at:


- http://www.visualstudio.com/news/vs2015-preview-vs

- http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2014/11/visual-studio-2015-goes-even-more-cross-platform-with-clang-android-emulator/

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I haven't seen anything on that yet LeMar Longhurst???. Louis Maresca?, do you know if there will be an Express version?


Their emulator looks AWESOME though. I've been using GenyMotion because I couldn't stand the stock emulator - HORRIBLE performance. Cannot wait to get my hands on this! ?#OverlyExcited ?

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