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Best Functional language to learn?

G+_Darryl Medley

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Best Functional language to learn? Even though I've been coding for 30 years I've never used a Functional language or even studied one in school. I've always been curious about them so I though I'd ask my C101 friends what would be a good choice to try. My only condition is that is has to run under Windows. Wikipedia lists a mind-blowing number of choices but the main ones seem to be Lisp, Scheme, Haskell, and Erlang. I'm kind of leaning towards Haskell because it has a number of things in common with Python and the Learn You a Haskell for Great Good! tutorial is a lot of fun (http://learnyouahaskell.com/). On the other hand, Lisp uses keywords so it's a little easier to read than Haskell's all symbolic syntax but it seems a little old fashioned.  Anyway, some recommendations from those of you with real experience would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


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IMHO, the important/useful ones are Haskell, Erlang, R, and JavaScript. Look at them all and see what appeals to you. I include JS here because even though it is a mixed-paradigm language, it is at heart a functional language with imperative syntax and features added on, much like Python is basically imperative but has lots of functional stuff added on.

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